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I care about people.


If I’m completely honest, I care about people more than I care about brands. So when I write your copy, I want you to be pleased of course, but more than that I want your audience to be inspired and feel seen and heard and not just sold to.


I write copy that doesn’t lie and I write it for real people, not “woman in her 50s” but “woman who has a great relationship with her dad and loved history at school but somehow went into accounting and who had her first kiss at a school disco when she was 14…”


I write copy for people who don’t fit the mould, because the mould was never real anyway.

For me, writing is all about people.


I’ve always been captivated by other people. Why is she sad? What made him laugh? Are they as nervous as they look?


Initially, this fascination took me to drama school, here I’d spend hours (literally) studying someone else’s walk so that I could replicate it on stage. I’d delve into backstories and relationships and work out how my character (who had five lines) related to her mother or who she had her first kiss with.


And then, I discovered scriptwriting and realised my fascination with people was no longer limited to characters who happened to look and sound like me. I could branch out and study the whole gamut of the human experience.


And then, along came copywriting and suddenly I wasn’t just writing about people, I was writing FOR them and my audiences were bigger and more diverse than they’d ever been.


I get it, finding the right words isn't always easy. Especialy if it's not your passion.

Luckily for you, it very much is mine.

Get in touch today and find out how I can help you to grow your audience, sell your product or make your readers smile.

Thanks for submitting!

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